Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sick Day (well, probably several of them)

It got to me. Everyone around me at work was sick, or in various stages of getting sick, and loading up on Airborne (whatever it's called) tea & honey, all their home remedies and preventions. They offered me some  of the Airborne, but not the honey since one girl supposedly attempted to stick her contaminated spoon in it already, and given the advice to drink some Nyquil before going to bed as a preventative. Since I'm on some medications already I didn't take either of what was offered, especially the cough syrup, no idea if it would all mix. I did my usual thing-nothing- to strengthen up my immune system to the germs.

That backfired. OMG, am I ever sick! Not only have I got a cold thing going on, I also have a stomach bug or something, too. I took Tuesday off (no sick days left) and spent the day running back & forth from bed to bathroom, keeping a cold, wet wash cloth on my head, running the air conditioner and when I'd get hot I'd put the blankets over me. Kept a bucket nearby, I felt like I was going to throw up. TMI, every time I ate it would go right through me. I had made a nice soup before the sickness took hold,  I don't dare eat any more of it because now I'm wondering if the chicken or the dandelions in it were bad, something gave me a stomach bug, or could it be the cold?

Oh, the cold. Started off as a scratchy inflamed throat, now I feel like cement was poured into all the muscles of my face, up my nose, down my throat and neck. My eyes & ears are bothering me. My bones ache. I ate some ice cream which made my spit so thick I went into a coughing fit and coughed up, oh, you don't want to know. The coughing fit was like the ones I got when I had bronchitis. Oh shit. And on top of all this I got my period. I am just a mess.

Most people, when they get sick they lose weight. I am the opposite, with the exception of an episode several years ago when my throat swelled from strep & tonsillitis, I had a fever through it all and lost about 10 pounds in about a week or less. More like a weekend. I couldn't eat at all, couldn't swallow. My mother made one of my favorites, Orange Chicken w/ rice in the crock pot. I chewed a small piece, couldn't get it down, had to spit it out. That Monday I wound up back in the ER because I was not getting better in spite of the antibiotics prescribed,  I was drooling and my throat took on this smell, more like a stench. I could even smell it, it smelled like old blood. Ugh. Obviously I'm better now, but I swear my throat has never been the same since. Where was I going with this? Oh, this past month I lost 7 pounds! Now I hope I don't blow it being sick, I really haven't been eating much, been mostly drowning myself with watered down orange juice, ginger ale,  my usual triscuits-today they've been too difficult to swallow, a soft tuna sandwich for supper tonight. Ugh, I hate, hate being sick!

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