Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fumes and Fumes

Since I had my cardiac arrest I have not smoked a cigarette. September 10th to November 4th, equals almost 2 months so I'd like to think all the smoke residue or whatever you'd call it is gone from my lungs and inside of my nose. They say when you quit smoking everything tastes and smells better. Well, food tasted fantastic when I smoked so no issues there. It tastes just as fine now as it did then, except the after taste of it lingers longer than it did when I smoked-cause I'd always have a nice smoke after a wonderful meal, and after an ordinary meal, too. Gosh, I miss smoking.
It's the ritual of it that I miss the most. Get on the phone, have a cigarette, take the dogs out for a walk & have a cigarette, escape from work for a few mins & have a cig, The "after Thanksgiving dinner" cigarette is one of the memorable ones, so is the after Christmas and Easter dinner ones, and lets not forget the after a piece of birthday cake ones, too. And of course the after sex smokes, smoked in the bathroom or kitchen because Hubby hates smoking. Where was I going with this? Oh, the smelling part. Yes, perfume seems to smell no different now that I no longer smoke. I expected to be blown away by the stronger scents but it hasn't happened. Except for when I was at the pharmacy counter at Wallygreens and someone around had heavy handily applied Angel and it nearly knocked me out. It's strange, I've worn Angel since I came home from the hospital (Angel Les Parfums de Cuir) and it didn't bother me. The Angel behind the pharmacy counter blew me away, it kind of made me sick.

 Editing to add: Geeze I write these posts and leave 'em in draft. I've always had trouble finishing things. ADD in action here. Here we are 2 weeks later and I'm just going to hit publish, otherwise it'll sit in draft along with everything else that I haven't fully gathered my thoughts over.

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