Friday, February 24, 2012


The video of Money by Pink Floyd has been removed by You Tube. : (

Yesterday was the 2nd (or possibly 3rd) time I've attempted to buy either Jeux De Peau or Musc Ravageur, didn't even make it to Barney's this trip. Hung around downtown, met up with an old friend I didn't know I had, lol.

Its the money. Currently not a lot of disposable cash around here. Me, being laid off since November-it's only til spring, I do work an odd day here & there -so I'm not too bad off. But combined with a new development for the past month: Hubby has had to support the mother-in-law financially (and mentally, and every other way that you can possibly support a person)* so the spending money has gotten a lil scarce.

Things are tough when you're about to leave the house, thinking you have at least a $5 and some singles only to find it's just $4 and a shitload of quarters. (Somebody's gotta go back and get a shit-load of dimes!-Blazing Saddles) Enough money or not, I went out  (armed with my debit card) because it isn't easy hanging around the house all the time, even for me.

My husband knows what a Serge Lutens bottle looks like and how much it costs, he also knows the smell (and price) of Musc Ravageur, there's no sneaking either of them past him. Well, I suppose I could, but I'd rather be honest about things. Most things. Big things.

A bottle of Caron's Narcisse Noir fit into my purse discreetly. $45. And some mini perfumes. Less than the price of Musc or Jeux.

I should have started a "no perfume purchases" thing for lent. Notice how I didn't call it, "no new perfume" as if that makes any sense grammatically. Too late now. New or old, I have to cut back. That being said, a bottle of Fleur de Feu or something rare, a once-in-a-lifetime find will turn up somewhere.

I'm going to work with what I have, take inventory, weed out some stuff, test, get to know and evaluate all my samples, decants and whatever else, instead of rushing after my newest lust. Work on that "to do" box of decants/samples. (like I need to find a new love in there!)

Stop shopping. I just groaned at the thought.

No big purchases right now. Just can't do it. The month is almost over, maybe in a couple of weeks I'll be picking up that Serge or Malle bottle.

I should go back to work. Save some bucks. Get back into the swing of things. Or paint the house. Something. Actually I have today (Saturday) all to myself, I might do some painting.

*Yes my MIL has become one of THOSE MILs. Oh, I'm ready to tear my hair out over her.

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