Monday, November 7, 2011

It Isn't Easy/Falling in Love/Working

This is a post from a month ago. Been busy and finally finished it up now.

It ain't easy on several levels. Shopping, perfume hunting. First, I have to make a plan, a game plan: where am I going to go, what bus to take, where to go first, pick up stuff at the first place or hustle back and forth while testing & deciding. Making a list helps, especially when you remember to bring the list with you, like I did today. One side of the paper was new things I wanted to test, the other was vintages I was hoping to score. My husband got a glimpse of it and said, "Oh, she's made the food shopping list already."  Which I replied, "No, that's the perfume list."
Then there's the spending limit. Before leaving the house  I weakened and took my whole check ($400) along with me, instead of only $200 and a few smaller bills-ones, fives and such for change. I figured that this might be one of my last full time checks, all the bills are paid up (somewhat) and some of the stuff will be sold and/or may be Christmas gifts.

Guess what? I only spent $150 and brought home a booty of goodies. BOOTY. I lucked out.

First stop, that horrid Macy's. Was bombarded by the SA's, well meaning but annoying. I sprayed Vince Camuto on one wrist, could barely smell anything. Walked around, sniffing occaisonally,  finally got a faint whiff of something similiar to Flowerbomb. No thanks. Sprayed the other wrist with Givenchy's Ange On Demon Elixir, since I adore the original  Ange On Demon, no flankers. Very nice, like a sweet AoD but too much like Alien. Pass. Fragrance Event? All it was-was 5X the usual SA's on the floor attempting to spray you with the latest fruit cocktail. Nobody handed out any samples, which I heard happens at these "events". I gave up. Nothing there piqued my interest enough to buy, and if I did buy, I'm sure any samples/freebies wouldn't even be worth it. By that time it was getting late (I never leave the house early enough) and postponed Saks and other stores in favor of going to the old place.

Since the owner knows when I come in I'm dropping more money than all his other customers combined so he often discounts things, today he let me have a few free. I would marry that man if I could. One thing, I wish he'd let me behind the counter. Just let me go back there so I don't have to bother him and his helpers asking, "How much is this?" "How much for that?" "Do you have ___?" and my usual, "I thought I saw a bottle of ____ the last time I was in here, is it still around?" Now when I leave the place and am at home-sometimes I do it in the car-I make a list on paper of what I wanted/was interested in but didn't get, so I'll remember the next time. I SWEAR there was a bottle of Le De Givenchy on the shelf, next time I went (only a couple of days later) couldn't find it for the life of me. It also doesn't help that I think him & the helper re-organize the items on the shelf so every time I go it's slightly different. It's like playing a game of concentration with some arsehole switching the cards around when you're not looking.

I dream of him letting me go behind the counter and do my shopping from there. With a large box, I'd fill it up. I used to pester him about hiring me, then stopped because if I badgered him too much he'd never hire me. He probably won't hire me, but I keep hoping. He could pay me in perfume, I'd be spending my check there anyway.

Tomorrow or sometime this week I'll be stopping in there. My weekly visit. The Christmas shopping season is approaching, wonder if he might need some extra help around the store?

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