Saturday, August 20, 2011

Work, Work, Work

For the past 2 months or so, maybe longer, it feels like the better part of my life, I've been busy working. The days seem to blend and I find myself wondering if such-and-such happened yesterday, today or last week. Didn't I do that yesterday, or was it earlier today? Weekends are worse, doing doubles it feels like I live there. We all end the shift rather than saying "Goodnight" we say, "I'll see you in a few hours."

I'm NOT complaining, not in the least. I do love my job, I love my co-workers (well, most of them, most of the time), and the work isn't hard or boring, never a dull moment. In this economy and the way the business is going we all wonder if we'll remain open in the next few months. So I snatch up all the work while I can, while it's available. Who knows, I may wind up on unemployment over the winter. To keep myself going I keep reminding myself that after Labor Day I probably won't be working so much. Then I get a mass email from my union boss saying we'll probably remain busy for the next 6 to 8 weeks and to work while it's available. What?? I know I can hang in there. And sometime during the next 6 to 8 weeks I'll be waltzing in there with a new purse on my arm. No, we haven't hit the coach outlet, due to his mother being sick and other obligations. Plus I want to get ahead on the bills before splurging.

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