Monday, August 8, 2011


I thought everything was cool. As in cool temperature in the room I store many of my perfumes in. A spare bedroom, it was my mother's room. I don't recall it ever sweltering in there. Toward the end of her life she didn't even use an air conditioner in there, just two windows open for "cross ventilation" and it was cool.

Not anymore, not for this current hot weather. After going in there and feeling the heat, I went into panic mode and moved EVERYTHING outta there and into our bedroom, nice and air conditioned 24/7. We have an elderly pet so the AC stays on for her, well, for both of them. She also has a heart condition so once the vet discovered it, I decided the electricity bill didn't matter, my baby is more important. The electricity bill never got too crazy, not even last year with 2 air conditioners running nearly all the time. Now my perfumes reap the benefits, too.

Did I mention that I moved everything? All of it. Took maybe 2 hours. In my mother's room I had everything somewhat organized-the permanent collection, stuff to sit on and sell someday, stuff I'm currently selling, things for next Christmas, for Christmas/birthday gifts, stuff I frequently wear, and so on. Now it's not so organized, some are in a cabinet, on top of the dresser, and on 2 shelves of a bookshelf.  My husband slept through it all. Through all my Guerlains: my big bottle of vintage Shalimar extrait, my tiny 1/8th of an ounce of Ode in the umbrella bottle and box,, my Djedi,  Parure, Jardins de Bagatelle, Apres L'Ondee, L'Heure Bleue extrait and a bottle of EDC, the most precious and important ones were moved first. Some were already in our room. Then I moved 2 bottles of Joy extrait, my Chanels-especially the Cristalle and no.19 my mother owned,  Calendre and La Nuit, and so on. It was a busy night. Hubby didn't notice that the perfumes in our room had multiplied over night. Bless him! Since a bunch are in cabinets with the doors shut he still doesn't know the how big my collection is, but it shouldn't bother him too much. He encourages me with my collecting, even now that it's perfumes. Oh, they don't make that anymore? Haven't made it in years? That might bring in a bundle on ebay? Then just get it. See what I mean? I love him!

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