Yes, a pacemaker. They call it an ICD and I just can't google it, as long as it isn't shocking me I don't want to know. Someone called it "like having a cardiologist in your pocket" and "an insurance policy in case your heart stops again". I go from thinking I'm fine to needing a cardiologist in my pocket, plus a whole team of doctors at the hospital. I was the youngest on the floor, I'm 45. Never thought I'd see this day or this happen. Thinking back on it, I should have seen it coming. My cousin visited me in the hospital and said they all have heart trouble on my mother's side, and I remember my Nana carrying around Nitroglycerin and my Aunt having a heart attack. So a family history, plus me smoking, being overweight, being on adderal, burning the candle at both ends, it all adds up now. They did say I had pneumonia (which I had seen my primary care doc for the day before, he said bronchitis) and that traveled to my heart causing infection and weakening the muscle. Or I may have had a bum ticker to begin with.
Today I finally feel slightly better. It wears me out just walking around Walgreens, using a shopping cart as a walker, picking up all my new prescriptions and whatever else. BTW, Skin Musk is on sale. Last night I managed to sleep on my left side (where the ICD is) and that helped, since I've been constantly on my right I've got a pulled hamstring which makes getting out of a chair or bed painful. Ugh. But today was better, I feel more back to normal, but am still sore where the ICD is, my ribs still hurt. And I'm still reaching for a cigarette, which I haven't had since this happened. I'm getting used to it. I'm chewing the nicotine gum when I need a pick me up. No more adderal, really, never again. I'm allowed 1200mgs of salt a day, which I adhered to all week except today which I cheated a little for supper.
So I've got a second chance at life. No idea what I'm suppose to do with it yet. What I do know is: when I'm tired I go to bed-I don't give a shit if things don't get done-they can get done the next day, I'm not breaking my neck at my job doing doubles (actually I'm not working at all right now, no set return date either, I'll just have to live frugally for now)and I'm not going to stress over stuff. So what if I couldn't remember the pin numbers for our checking accounts and now have to reset them? I got the money in the bank via a teller and will fix the pin situation when I have the time. My memory hasn't been so good since this happened. They took up a collection for me at work so the bills will get paid this month, at least the important ones. Maybe, maybe I'll list some stuff on ebay to make up the rest. I don't know. I'm just playing by ear right now.
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