It's been a rather uneventful summer, which is better than one filled with drama. Lots of work, yikes, I don't think I've worked so much before. One week I did 10 shifts, equal to 60 hours-give or take a few. That was in the beginning of this month and I'm still recovering. This week I called out on Tuesday & Wednesday, Thursday is my day off so II feel like I'm on another vacation. Yes, we took a vacation....
It was a stay-cation and it was fantatisic. Went places nearly everyday-we had to run/put some miles as in highway mileage on the car due to a recently dead and disconnected battery and a failed sticker test thing. Took some day trips, ran the motor, got the sticker on the last day of the vacation. I told hubby the next time I wanted to go to NYC or someplace way out I will disconnect the battery again. I also learned a bit about cars, uh, I dunno the catalyst convertor, O2 sensors, evap systems, what throttle is (thank you young man covered in tattoos in Auto Zone) and all that crap. We got a bluetooth dongle for the car, hooked it up and with an app on the cellphone we could check any error codes (none), see the status of the current drive cycle, which emissions things had turned on-we needed those for the sticker. All that and I don't drive. Impressive, no? Boring, yes.

Our day trips included what I thought would be a walk in the woods turned into a hike. An over a mile (or more=I can't tell from the vague map) hike over rocks and hills and more rocks. In the heat. Plus mosquitoes, loads of them + other various flying bugs. We met some people at the beginning who sprayed us with bug spray (bless them!) which helped but we still got bitten. My Chanel no.18 didn't stand a chance under all that deet or whatever they sprayed us with. A thunderstorm loomed overhead but didn't amount to anything. The coyote we saw on our way out was more threatening. That was no loose dog, luckily he looked at us (we were only about 100 feet away) and walked back into the woods. In spite of all that, I would go back if given the chance, I enjoyed it that much. Of course I'd bring along a shitload of bugspray, extra water, a walking stick-I used Hubby's umbrella to get myself out of there-the paths were so rocky. We've done walks/hikes before but never on such a rough terrain.
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Lobster roll, fries, Pepsi. (Not shown-corn on the cob) |
Vacation also means lots of eating, and restaurant food rather than healthy home cooking. Oh boy, its been a bad summer as far as food & dieting is concerned. Normally I drop some weight during the summer, this year i gained. Haven't stepped on the scale but I can tell, I can tell, oh shit I can tell by my clothes. Most of the time i can hardly wait to come home and get into my fat pants (pajamas) and get outta of my bra and into a tank or wife-beater. Let everything lose and relax. Ugh, it sucks.I feel like shit, really. Have to lay off the chocolate, the little tiramisu cakes we got on sale (3 packages of them) and the fast food/restaurant food. It's been too hot to cook. Lately I've been getting these Samosas @$1.25 each. Hits the spot when you've been running around all day and haven't eaten. I only eat one but I'm sure they're fattening.
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My Samosa comes in a brown paper bag, unlike the presentation above. |
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Another of my downfalls. Yummy & taste sightly boozy. |
We got some work done around the house, laid patio stones in the front-which came out great. hopefully they'll last over the winter without much shifting.Hung some new curtains and I'm currently making a set for the kitchen. Still painting the kitchen floor, feels like it's become my life's work. well, it isn't easy painting a heavily traveled floor and waiting for paint to dry in the humidity.
Tiny rose from my yard. My mother planted these shortly after they bought the house. Every year like clockwork these bloom in July, usually on or around the 4th and only last a week or so, not very long. This year they bloomed in July and a couple bloomed in August. Late bloomers, I guess.
As for sounds-haven't been listening to anything special off the top of my head. So I'll conclude with a favorite summer song of mine.
Part 2 of Summer 2012, The Smells coming soon. At the moment I'm working with a new, abiet extremely shittty keyboard and can't bear to type any longer. A new one will be at staples tomorrow : )
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