Lately it's been modern musks that I crave. I think it was brought on by the Victoria Secret Musk that I fell in love with. I have no NR in the house. I had samples at one time but I decided it wasn't for me & gave them away. I didn't want to buy samples just yet. Money is tight, if I can get out of buying something-good. We happened to be in the mall on Black Friday. When the weather is freezing we've been going to the mall at night to walk, I'm suppose to walk daily. I went into that horrid Macys. And there are all the SAs waiting to pounce. Most just said hello, but this one said "Would you like to try Narciscio Rodriguez today?" Wow. I don't think I've ever had one ask me to try exactly what I went in for before.
She had the pink bottle in hand, sprayed it on a ribbon & handed it to me. We started talking and she sprayed another ribbon with the black bottle. After a couple of minutes I didn't feel like I was smelling much of anything so I sprayed my right hand with the pink, left with the black.
Next she goes on to tell me the story behind the bottle, which is.... the reason that it is pink on the inside-rather than on the outside is because NR believes that all women are beautiful from the inside out, and painting the bottle that way made for a beautiful bottle. Something along those lines. That doesn't explain the black bottle, though. The bottles are rather nice, elegant and understated.
Since I seemed to enjoy that story, she then tells me the story behind the scent. When NR was in college there was another student that influenced him with her looks, she dressed in the classic style rather than trendy, wore her hair pulled back, she was very elegant and she wore musk. Again, something like that, my memory is terrible lately but that's the jist of it.
I kept thinking of who that elegant musk wearing woman could be. After I was home Carolyn Bessette Kennedy came to mind. He did design her wedding dress, but the age difference wouldn't put them as classmates, plus NR went to Parsons, CBK went to BU.
So what about the NR perfume? I dunno, first my right hand, plrayed with the EDP smelled stronger and better than my left, which had the EDT. BUT the EDT was still going strong the next morning! I can't decide. I might get a few samples, no way do I need a full bottle of this. Or maybe I'll give SJP's Lovely another go, they're similar, right?
As for the SA in Macy's, she didn't make a sale with me, although she tried very hard. I wonder if she made up the story or it's something they told her that would help sell more bottles.