Since my nose isn't fully up to snuff due to the cold*, make-up will be today's post. I've had some non-perfume posts rolling around in my mind anyway. Yup, I wear make-up, too, and lately it's been a lot-compared what I've worn in the past. Thankfully make-up doesn't turn me on as perfumes do otherwise I'd really be in the poorhouse.
Tonight I was browsing that horrid Macy's website only because they're having that fragrance event beginning Wednesday. Somehow I'm on their mailing list, actually the flyer was addressed to Hubby-must have been that J'adore purchase last Christmas. Anyhoo, I wound up in the MAC make-up section. WTH? It's certainly eye catching, isn't it? It reminded me of
Cindy Sherman's photography. I even wondered if Sherman did the photographs......
OMG, she did! (Blogging in real time here, Google search in one window, make-up page in another, blog in another) Well, whadda ya know? I knew that BFA in photography would come in handy someday.
I haven't seen any of her recent works, haven't seen any of her work since I was in school-some 15-odd years ago. I was googling her, found some photos, then
this one then it all made sense.
Cindy Sherman
Untitled # 412 2003 |
Cindy Sherman for MAC 2011 |
If you're not familiar with her work, check out the link above and/or do search. Her work is extremely thought provoking, sometimes disturbing, and her physical transformations are incredible.
This reminds me of a character that Cheri Oteri did on SNL, can't figure out who though...

Does it make you want to run to the nearest MAC counter and invest in some new make-up? Didn't have that effect on me but again, I'm not
that into make-up, I'm not picky, Wet n' Wild, Revlon or whatever is on sale will work for me. Although it did lead me to browse the MAC section further to find more of these unconventional make-up photographs, which led me to the lipstick section and that brought me to their Mattene Lipstick. I just LOVE a good matt lipstick, it's the only type of lipstick I'll wear. No greasy, glossy, gooey lipstick for me, I can't stand it when it leaves lip marks on cups, straws, cigarettes, forks and everything else I put my mouth on. Rich and deep looking colors with catchy names: "Seeds of Desire", "Unknown Pleasures" and "Legendary" for $14.50 is quite do-able. Perhaps that horrid Macy's will throw in a perfume sample if I buy one.